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Stone Sitting Walls

Stow, MA

About the Property
This project was a newer home where the clients wanted to expand their back yard and were looking for ideas. They had a plan in-hand from an architect and seemed to be satisfied with it. I looked at the plan, asked questions with regard to their aspirations and living style. In a short time they realized that the plan they thought they liked was not appropriate for them. I made some suggestions and brought forth my ideas. They were excited about how I could increase the size of their yard by filling and grading and raising the existing well-head.
“We’re so happy with all the work your company has done for us over the years. This latest project turned out fantastic; it turned a dull landscape into the type of breath-taking eye-candy often seen in magazines. Yet, it’s also now very usable! What’s amazing is how MUCH work you and your team accomplished in a short period of time. As usual, we’re extremely impressed and are getting compliments already. Not only that, but we love working with you. You have a great eye for how a landscape can and should compliment its environment. We also appreciate how you take our ideas and build on them, making them ten times better than what we envisioned.”
– Mariana & Dan
The expanded rear yard was planted with large evergreens for privacy from abutters and the lawn was extended as well. We designed a private patio incorporating natural stone sitting walls with beautiful gardens above. The side lot line was very close to a soon to be developed lot. I got the call in February the following year. “ Kevin they’re starting construction. I need to see you now”. Indeed the house was about to start. Time was of the essence. Our clients needed very large screen plantings. We located a field of 30’ tall beautiful fat Concolor firs in Central Massachusetts. We quickly and successfully transplanted twenty three of these trees to our clients’ property where we created an instant screen.